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Block to “unlock” FEFOM resources is assembled

Del Mazo hides political motives to hit Morenista governments: Higinio


Block to "unlock" FEFOM resources is assembled

June 24th, 2019

Mayors from throughout the State of Mexico, 59 in all, held a meeting with state legislators, federal and Senator Higinio Martinez to integrate a front and "unlock" the release of resources from the Fund for the Municipal Strengthening of Municipalities (FEFOM) , on the part of the government of Edomex, in what for some constitutes an attempt of that of the governor Alfredo del Mazo to boycott the Morena governments.

So far the state government has retained the funds of half of the municipalities of Mexico, ie about one thousand 600 million pesos of the 4 billion authorized in the Fiscal Package for 2019, corresponding to the 59 most affected municipalities. While others were only partially approved their funds and ten nothing.

After the closed-door meeting between legislators and mayors, the president of the Political Coordination Board, Maurilio Hernández, informed that an agenda was agreed upon with each of the mayors whose municipalities are being affected by the retention of resources, to give them an "Technical support" and mediate in its favor.


Translator: Martín Caballero

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