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Chalco becomes more insecure during 2019

Although high impact crimes decreased


Chalco becomes more insecure during 2019

February 3rd, 2019

Chalco, like the vast majority of Mexican municipalities, increased their overall crime incidence numbers during 2019, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), released on January 20.

In 2019, 10 thousand 2 crimes of the common jurisdiction were registered in Chalco, in 2018 they were counted in 8 thousand 278. This means that the crimes of the common jurisdiction increased 20.82% between 2018 and 2019 in Chalco.

From 2018, July was the month with the most incidents, with 931 cases, while January was the month with the least incidents, registering 761 crimes of the common law. The malicious murders, unlike other municipalities, had a decrease, although slight. In 2019, 72 cases were registered, and in the previous year, 80. This means an 11% decrease in malicious homicides.

Femicides remained virtually the same. In 2018, four such incidents were counted, to decrease in 2019 to three. Strictly, it is a 25% decrease in crime. Robberies with violence also decreased. During the past year, 1,931 assaults were committed in the municipality, of which 491 (25.42%) were assaulted by passersby on public roads. During the previous year, that is, in 2018, 2 thousand 53 cases were registered, of which 581 (28.30%) were car theft. This means a 6.31% decrease in assaults


Translator: Martín Caballero

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