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Enrique Vargas del Villar: “Felonies have been reduced by 40% in Huixquilucan”

Commented that “it’s been possible to reduce criminal incidence in a significant way in the whole municipality by 40%”

Enrique Vargas del Villar: “Felonies have been reduced by 40% in Huixquilucan”



The Fact:

The Mayor of Huixquilucan, Enrique Vargas, commented that “it’s been possible to reduce criminal incidence in a significant way in the whole municipality by 40%”. This despite a robbery that went viral two weeks ago in a house at Lomas Anáhuac, in this town.


The Mayor, Enrique Vargas, took position as governor of Huixquilucan on January 1st of 2016, for that reason, and to make the numbers as fair as possible in terms of time, we will analyze the situation of the reported felonies from January to September of 2016 and the same time lapse of 2017, since September is the last month with registers in the SESNSP of common law felonies per municipality.

In total, from January to September of 2016, there were 2,686 felonies, and March was the month in which most of the crimes were done with 391, and July with the least with 198.

From these numbers, the felonies that happened the most were willful injuries with 426 registered cases; in the second place, there is robbery with violence to passers-by with 192 cases in these months; and patrimonial crimes by damages in properties with 135 cases from January to September.

During this year, from January to September there have been 2,498 felonies. September was precisely the month with most of the felonies happened, registering 368 cases and April and February the months with the least cases, both with 220.

Again the most frequent crimes were willful injuries with 392 registered cases, patrimonial crimes with 111 cases, and wrongful injuries grouped in the category called “others” with 109 felonies.

This means that from January to September of 2016 and 2017, the rate of crimes has decreased in a 7%, a far away number from the 40% that the Mayor assures.

Now, when it comes about the robberies to houses, detonating issue in the statements of Vargas, in the described period of 2016, there were 20 registered cases of robberies with violence in houses in Huixquilucan, while in the same period of 2017, there were 9 felonies of the same type, which means, there was a decrease of 55% in this case from one year to another.

About the robberies to houses without violence, in 2016 there were 106 registered cases, and in the same period of this year there are 85 registered cases, which means there was a decrease of 19.9% in this type of crime.


Despite the crime rate has decreased in Huixquilucan, the numbers given by the Mayor are clearly lower than what reality shows since the decrease has been only of 9%, and Ernesto Vargas states that it was more than 40% the decrease of criminal incidence.

After this, it is worth to mention the context where these statements were made, since, as it was mentioned above, on October 14th of this year, a security tape went viral and it shows how 3 fellows threaten a housekeeper to steal several items that are worth around 3 million pesos in a house at Lomas Anáhuac.

Regarding to this, the Mayor said it was an “isolated case”. In this case, it would look like the numbers support his statement, since in 9 months this year there were less than a half of the felonies concerning to this type.


The statement made by the Mayor of Huixquilucan is FALSE. Crime rate didn’t decrease in a 40% in the municipality.

El Universal. Sube 50% el robo a casa en el Estado de México
http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/metropoli/edomex/sube-50-el-robo-casa-en-el-estado-de-mexico Checked on October 31st of 2017.
Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública. Incidencia delictiva del fuero común.
http://secretariadoejecutivo.gob.mx/incidencia-delictiva/incidencia-delictiva-fuero-comun.php Checked on October 31st of 2017.
Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública. Incidencia delictiva nacional.
http://secretariadoejecutivo.gob.mx/incidencia-delictiva/incidencia-delictiva-fuero-comun.php Checked on October 31st of 2017.


By: Héctor Castañeda


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